Achieve More Goals With A Gratitude Jar in 2019

. I can feel it in my bones and in my heart that this year has not begun like last year. January last year a time like this, I can confidently say that I was a mess, with regard to the thought of ‘beginning again’’. It was especially nerve-wracking because of all the fear and Read more about Achieve More Goals With A Gratitude Jar in 2019[…]

How to Start a Gratitude Jar 2019

I know this will sound stupid, but I actually take time to look at myself in the mirror especially in the morning before I leave for work and I say these things to myself   You are enough You are so beautiful Gosh, look at that smile You are so blessed! Dang! Look at those Read more about How to Start a Gratitude Jar 2019[…]

Disengaged Relationships: How to Connect Offline

It was a Friday evening and I met with a friend to watch a play and later catch up over dinner. The play was about a marriage gone sour and yes it did leave me with a bad taste in my mouth about the reality of relationships in our world today. We shared on the Read more about Disengaged Relationships: How to Connect Offline[…]

Dont lose yourself

How Not to Lose Yourself in your Dating Season

Dating, meeting new people and socializing is definitely an exciting experience. Personally, I am super excited when there is that instant connection with another human being. Similar interests, taste or style definitely makes the best conversation topics. Different opinions and views make the best opportunities for introspection, self-discovery and self- awareness. Human beings were created Read more about How Not to Lose Yourself in your Dating Season[…]

The Beauty of Being Content

We live in a fast-moving world, with the advent of social media everyone seems to be moving ahead and ‘making moves’. It is easy to get caught up in the success and pressure of achieving. I speak from experience, I always had very high goals for myself since I was young. I wanted to graduate Read more about The Beauty of Being Content[…]

Shiku Njoroge's Story

May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Shiku Njoroge’s Story

Mental health is widely described as our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Emphasis has always been on physical health but studies have shown that our mental health does affect our physical health. I also do believe that the battle on physical ailment is half way won when we are at a place of being mentally Read more about May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Shiku Njoroge’s Story[…]

flora's story

May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Flora’s Story

Talking about one’s mental health is so incredibly important. Not only does it help the victim, it also reaches out to someone else who may be lost and alone. I can’t believe how much those words feel so loaded right now. It’s been one hell of a ride getting to where I am right now; Read more about May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Flora’s Story[…]

Lies that christians tell themselves

3 Lies That The Modern Christian Tell Themselves.

Wait! Do I tell myself the truth? I’d love to believe I do. In a world and generation that screams, ‘Stick to your truth!’ It is very easy to end up living your truth and a lie, all in the same breathe. Everyone around us is urging us to run. To run away from people’s Read more about 3 Lies That The Modern Christian Tell Themselves.[…]

Why am I So Jealous and Insecure

I come to you with this post because I have been here many times. I occasionally come back too. “I should be far along by now.  I should be in a stable relationship if not married by now. I should know exactly what I should be doing and darn! Doing it already. I should be Read more about Why am I So Jealous and Insecure[…]

Intentional Living

Five Keys to Intentional Living

What comes to mind when I think of the phrase intentional living ? Reliability Dependable Time conscious/Punctual Resilience Focus Purpose driven These are things I hold to great esteem and qualities I admire most in people and values I work on daily.Some days I thrive in intentional living  while on other days I ask myself Read more about Five Keys to Intentional Living[…]

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