How Not to Lose Yourself in Your Dating Season Pt.2

I hope you enjoyed part one of the how not to lose yourself in your dating season. If you haven’t read it, please check out the post here. In my honest opinion, I believe that to date well, to meet new people occasionally and finding true meaningful connection comes from a place of emotional health Read more about How Not to Lose Yourself in Your Dating Season Pt.2[…]

Shiku Njoroge's Story

May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Shiku Njoroge’s Story

Mental health is widely described as our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Emphasis has always been on physical health but studies have shown that our mental health does affect our physical health. I also do believe that the battle on physical ailment is half way won when we are at a place of being mentally Read more about May Mental Health Awareness Journal Challenge: Shiku Njoroge’s Story[…]

Lies that christians tell themselves

3 Lies That The Modern Christian Tell Themselves.

Wait! Do I tell myself the truth? I’d love to believe I do. In a world and generation that screams, ‘Stick to your truth!’ It is very easy to end up living your truth and a lie, all in the same breathe. Everyone around us is urging us to run. To run away from people’s Read more about 3 Lies That The Modern Christian Tell Themselves.[…]

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