How Not to Lose Yourself in Your Dating Season Pt.2

I hope you enjoyed part one of the how not to lose yourself in your dating season. If you haven’t read it, please check out the post here. In my honest opinion, I believe that to date well, to meet new people occasionally and finding true meaningful connection comes from a place of emotional health Read more about How Not to Lose Yourself in Your Dating Season Pt.2[…]

How To Be Intentional in Your Relationships Today.

Sometimes it feels like we’re ill-equipped to handle love of any kind. Stacy Mackey says this just isn’t so. This is a lesson in intentional relationships. What do you know about being in a relationship? How did you come by that knowledge? Much like swimming, chances are, you were thrown into the deep end of Read more about How To Be Intentional in Your Relationships Today.[…]

Dont lose yourself

How Not to Lose Yourself in your Dating Season

Dating, meeting new people and socializing is definitely an exciting experience. Personally, I am super excited when there is that instant connection with another human being. Similar interests, taste or style definitely makes the best conversation topics. Different opinions and views make the best opportunities for introspection, self-discovery and self- awareness. Human beings were created Read more about How Not to Lose Yourself in your Dating Season[…]

Why am I So Jealous and Insecure

I come to you with this post because I have been here many times. I occasionally come back too. “I should be far along by now.  I should be in a stable relationship if not married by now. I should know exactly what I should be doing and darn! Doing it already. I should be Read more about Why am I So Jealous and Insecure[…]

Responding to love

5 Ways To Respond To Love.

The best feeling in any relationship is not in giving a hug only, but being hugged right back. Love can be given, but it is in the response that makes it a full circle.When i would meet with my girlfriends for some ‘tea’ we would express just how much we long to be loved,after a rant about a Read more about 5 Ways To Respond To Love.[…]

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