
Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Tips to Get You Together.

Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Tips to Get You Together. I have been in such a weird funk this previous week guys! I  haven’t been feeling like myself. With the year having just begun and all of us being on GO mode, dare i say that i had actually forgotten the need to take a breather! A.K.A Read more about Feeling Overwhelmed? 5 Tips to Get You Together.[…]

2020 mindset

20 Mindset Adjustments As You Set Your 2020 Goals & Resolutions.

20 Mindset Adjustments As You Set Your 2020 Goals & Resolutions.       HAPPY NEW YEAR guys!!! and I hope you guys had a great time with your family and friends! I did too! I got an opportunity to spend the holidays with friends and family and true happiness is found in being able Read more about 20 Mindset Adjustments As You Set Your 2020 Goals & Resolutions.[…]

TWENTY- 2020 Live Your Best Life Essentials

TWENTY – 2020 LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE ESSENTIALS.   Motivational Books- You need these ones to get you in the right headspace to KEEP GOING. Gratitude Jar- I’ll be honest, I did not do such a great job at keeping a gratitude jar this year as much as I had all the tools to keep Read more about TWENTY- 2020 Live Your Best Life Essentials[…]

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