I know for a fact that one of the take-aways for 2020 for me is kindness. 2020 has taught us that we are all connected. We all feel the same kind of pain and deal with the same kind of fears. The entire world has felt this connection in the past couple of months. We have felt alone and together all at the same time. We have experienced the kinship of vulnerability.


We all feel the same kind of pain and deal with the same kind of fears. Click To Tweet


Kindness seems like such an obvious quality to have and experience in others but as we live longer we realize how rare it is today. I believe that kindness is not just about being friendly because even an unkind person can be very friendly as they completely shit on you. How do I know you know this too? Because energy and intuition do not lie. Also, because we have done some seemingly kind things for people with zero kindness (empathy and genuineness) in our hearts.

You cannot separate kindness from vulnerability. Vulnerability is scary.


Granted, we are all fighting our ego’s and trying to be as comfortable as we can with being vulnerable in expressing how we truly feel. But most times we end up taking the easy way out by doing all we can to self-protect and wear less of our vulnerabilities on our sleeves. In turn, we end up being complete ass-holes to the people we love and even strangers on the internet that we completely dehumanize in order to not feel the connectedness that we all have on this planet. The shared struggles, fears, vulnerabilities and hopes. I believe that our generation cannot get away with not doing the work especially when it comes to building healthy relationships with our families, friends, colleagues, partners and even people that we have just met. Kindness and vulnerability go hand in hand in creating the world we want to live in.


You may ask how you may be kind without appearing weak, stupid, weird or winning the doormat of the year award? Well, if you are going to choose kindness, then be prepared to appear weak but love more, say stupid shit and argue less, appear weird and have more smiles. In my opinion, it is more than a fair trade.

We are never as kind as we want to be, but nothing outrages us more than people being unkind to us~ Click To Tweet


Kindness involves being honest, empathetic and making sure your communication intent matches your impact. Interrogate your intentions before you interact and consider the impact you are leaving on the hearts of the people that you are dealing with. I know, it is not easy because we have to honour ourselves and our beliefs as well. A good place to start is asking how can I honour my feelings, experience, beliefs or even hurt and still honour the other person in my communication. We cannot be kind to others if we are not kind to ourselves.


True kindness has no way of predicting how we get treated in return but at the end of the day, we know it was the right thing to do. We do not know how much we put out comes back to us but each kind moment we experience in our lives is convincing enough to keep embracing the scary V-word (vulnerability)  and keep kindness a force that runs the world.

Stay Kind and Relatable Forever.



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