Is it Too Late for Me

We have 24 hrs and we are allowed, i would say privileged to decide what we do with them. So we plan ahead, anticipate and do all we can to make the 24hrs meaningful.But the reality of things is that we do not have 24hrs. We have repetitive ‘nows’ and ‘in the moments’ that culminate to 24hrs, a month, seasons and years.The world in time has developed patterns and timelines that squeezes us into this statement ‘By this time you should have”.

I have had my own ‘by this time i should have’s and wallowed in them.The older i get the more behind i feel.Left behind in all areas. Career,Relationships and even just adulting. Birthdays do not feel the same anymore because there is this unsaid rule that the level of celebration should be equivalent to all that we have “achieved” by that time.So fear, shame and worry push us out of the front seat of our lives.

These three things run our lives and we live in perfect loyalty to them, and promote them to the drivers seat as we hope for the future.
A little perspective,

1) Think about him.

Picture where you think you should be by now. Now think of someone who is where you think you should be.Do you know all the details of where he is? Do you have the same background? I bet you do not even share the same life experiences. Thats it! Find peace in the fact that you are not him and should never waste time comparing yourself to anyone. You are right where you need to be in this life. The minute we begin comparing our lives with others we forfeit the joys of today and of the present.It’s like a child who is throwing a tantrum over the brothers’ candy that is just wrapped differently. We are also so eager to unwrap this future when we haven’t really  unwrapped today and enjoyed the journey it has been so far.
2 Corinthians 10:12 ESV
Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

2) It not about where you are but how you live.

We focus a lot of our time and life on acquiring things and in the thick of it at times we compromise. We compromise our values, beliefs, emotional health and our very selves.We serve our goals. What we compromise is determined by who we see; the focus of our lives.So when i feel pressured and hurried, i go back to my focus.I quickly notice that it used to be Christ but now it is a career, a boy friend ,a need or a lifestyle. When Christ is at the centre and our lives are focused on pleasing Him first then self easily takes a back seat and holds on tightly because the road is not always smooth.
We do not reap things when we are old and tired. We reap the seeds of our character.This will bring us more peace even as we enjoy God’s blessings.
Proverbs 10:2 Ill-gotten gains get you nowhere 
                        An honest life is immortal .
I would encourage all of us to read the whole of proverbs 10 for more wisdom on this.
Worry should never drive your life.In your own strength, you still wouldn’t be able to get to where He needs you to be.It takes a whole load of yes’s to Him to get to the vision He has put in your heart.So with a calm spirit and heart we work and pursue with the confidence that He is guiding you in the right path.

3)What you will regret being late to.

When all is said and done and the life we live on earth is done with, not knowing God would be our biggest regret. In light of eternity in heaven or hell, a career ladder does not even begin to serve us. In light of eternity, compromising values for a relationship, for a man/woman means nothing. Our hope is not in what we see today. Our hope is in being with our Lord who loves us and in Him is the fullness of everything we have ever desired.Not accepting Jesus as Christ and Lord would be our biggest regret but, it does not have to be. Knowing full well that we are not promised tomorrow, indeed our biggest regret would not be living it up at a vacation or flexing on social media.
We live in light of eternity.All of our decisions are in light of eternity. How we pursue careers is in light of eternity. We love and serve others in light of eternity. We will be tested so that we live in light of eternity. We will also prosper and it would still be in light of eternity in service to our God. If you are alive now and today you are not late. If you know Jesus as your Saviour, then you are right on time in your life, exactly where He needs you to be: In Him.
Thank you for reading this post.
In what areas of your life do you get tempted to feel late? Share with us down below.
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