2020 Has Been A Bit Loud.


I would be lying to you if I said that I am the most courageous person. Heck, I am terrified of heights and haven’t even figured that yet. The past couple of weeks have been hard, not just for me but for you too. I cannot even imagine what people in countries that have been hit hard with COVID-19 have gone through in the past few months and days. This is the first time that I am writing without this annoying knot in my throat that rudely reminds me of the level of anxiety in my body.

I am still in disbelief of what we are going through in this world. This bad dream needs to end. I keep telling myself. Each day I look through the window for some type of hope. Some cure, vaccine -anything. Each day I realize that the world has little to nothing to offer when it comes to COVID-19. I’m forced to look within. To dig deep within my soul and find the voice that connects with God and I silently ask Him, when does it stop? People are dying. They are in pain and despair.

This season has been interpreted differently by different people. Others see it as a time to rest, giving the universe a chance to breathe, a time to get right with God and connect with Him. A time to repent and seek God for his direction. To others, it is history repeating itself. Apparently, it does this every other decade. I know for sure that when we look within ourselves, God has a directive for each of us. He has a word for each of us that he wants us to connect with. A hard or easy word. I hope you get to look at that directive with hope, connect with it and find peace.


Courage has been demanded from us this 2020. Courage to show up. Courage to love. Courage to look within. To look to God and hear Him. Courage has been demanded from us to stand with truth and be our brother’s keeper. Courage has been demanded from us, to look at life from a different perspective. Courage has been demanded from us to be okay with the fact that things will not be the same even after the storm. 2020 has called us out on the value of life, health, family, love, work and the small amazing pleasures and joys that we enjoy in the 21st century. 2020 has looked right at us and forced us to acknowledge the little to no control we have in this life. It has demanded us to sit with pain just as we sit with joy and made an even higher demand from us. To be okay with it. Gosh, 2020 has been so loud guys!!!!!!!!





Courage does not mean the absence of fear. Courage demands that we look within and find the strength and will to keep going. Even if! Even if nothing changes. Courage demands that we accept what lies ahead of us and trust that we shall overcome. Even if the other side does not look like what we want it to look like. Courage is more terrifying than fear. It asks us to wear our vulnerability on our sleeves.

It’s uncertain times and we hold on to God and trust that He will come through for us during this hard time. We might share memes on social media but we meet with the existential crisis the minute we lay our heads down. It’s okay to look within and connect with God. To listen as He guides you on how to pray. It’s okay to cry out to Him. To ask for His protection, guidance and strength. To give you fresh courage to face the next day no matter what it holds.

I release my desire to be in control and release the fear and hold that this virus has on me. It is hard. It requires courage. But each day I will breathe it out and loosen my nerves and veins as I do the best to protect myself and others through proper sanitation and self-distancing.


God has not left us or abandoned us. He is still God and I pray that we all connect with what He is speaking to our hearts about what He needs us to hear during this season. I pray that He gives us the courage to sit with Him. We are in this together and we shall pull through.

Stay Encouraged my loves.

Stay Relatable.


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